Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Movie: Robin Hood

It saddens me that the first response I have heard about this movie is: "It wasn't what I expected." And that's because these people neglected to notice that the film's tagline specifically calls it the untold story; the trailer states "The story behind the legend," "the hero behind the outlaw"----both of which imply a prequel. Not to mention, the beginning of the movie pretty much states in black and white that what you are about to see is the becoming of Robin Hood, not the man as he steals from the rich, but the man before he was outlawed.

This is the most important part to watching this movie. This movie is a prequel. I was severely disappointed that even Movie Bob didn't seem to grasp this; his entire review revolved around the idea that the film was missing the point. But I think a lot of people were the ones missing the point, not the movie.

That being said, I am a huge fan of Ridley Scott. Gladiator is one of my favorite movies (as it should be for everyone), and I really loved Kingdom of Heaven. As stated earlier, Robin Hood follows Robin Longstride as he rises from his lowly position in Lionheart's infantry to the savior of England. That's all I can give you about the plot. I hate spoilers, and I hate summarizing.

Russell Crowe is as good as ever. I don't think he will ever be bad in a movie. Cate Blanchett plays a role (unusual for her) as a relatively weak female, but still manages to keep her head above the surface. The script is very good, the supporting cast is very good, the direction is very good. There aren't very many logistical flaws in this movie.

But I won't say it is the most amazing piece of film ever. It isn't life-changing or ground-breaking. It relies on the same foundations that Scott employs in each of his films; it doesn't change any formulas or try anything new. I doesn't reinvent the wheel, but instead, it borrows and lifts similar aspects of this genre from all over the place. But the movie is simply entertainment. And I have to say, I appreciate that. I appreciate it a hell of a lot more after seeing A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Overall, this movie is worth the price of admission. However, I don't think you need to see it in theaters to enjoy it. It is also a family movie, as there is little actual gore (though a lot of violence) and no nudity or graphic, sexual scenes. And there's quite a bit of comedy, too. It is just good, but you'll have to see for yourself.

And remember, please, the film is a prequel.

In conclusion:
"Robin Hood"
4 out of 5


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